This is center of our Nation's Capital and is 'America's Front Yard.' It is home to some of our Nation's most iconic sites. But many of the stories on the National Mall and downtown are not taught in our history books because they highlight the horror of what happens when economics and personal beliefs allow for the oppression of one group over another.
In American history, each major episode against oppression is a step toward freedom. This section of the city is a paradox - full of contradictory words and actions. It is where our federal government made the rules - and at the same time owned those they were ruling.
ALL groups who fought and won their freedom have some connection with this part of DC - Blacks, women, Native Americans, Muslims, Asians, hispanics, LGBTQA+, and those with disabilities - it is here that they coalesce to have their voices heard and enact change. It is where we help define who America is going to become. What history and this part of DC teaches us is that by speaking up - we CAN make a difference.